COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast

Transcending the Patriarchy - with Dr Anne Whitehouse


Anne Whitehouse, PhD FRSA, is a leading expert in Female Power, success healer, and best-selling author  of ‘PULL BACK YOUR POWER’. 

A former metallurgical engineer, the strain of succeeding in that 'boys' club' world caused her to spiral into a spectacular burnout 25 years ago,  pattern experienced by many high-flying women. 

In this epsiode Teresa explores the reasons behind this and Anne explains how women can take truly back and reclaim their power for feminine success. 

Dr Anne has spent two decades unravelling the hidden power dynamic that still undermines women in the world - and has developed a unique solution.  Her work integrates the worlds of scientific analysis, subconscious reprogramming and subtle energies.  A thought-leader and change-maker, she frees people from the deep-seated roots that cause our visibility fears, the low confidence, imposter syndrome and holding back instead of shining.  

Her ground-breaking techniques put you in control of the power.  You feel genuinely safe, and it becomes automatic to speak up, hold authority, sail through limits, flourish in the spotlight and make a bigger impact than you ever thought possible.  Aggressive toxic situations become 'water off a duck's back'.  It becomes safe to shine and be seen as powerful, instead of censuring yourself to fit into the expectations of others.  Anne has helped hundreds of women, worldwide, to literally fall in love with the limelight - helping them step into more success, more visibility and more impact, without the stress!  

AND she is currently writing the book for MEN  "RE-POWER - the secret of male success and wellbeing in the 21st century"




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 5 Easy Steps to More Confidence