COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast

Sarah Negus - Why your Energy is so Powerful in Business


In this podcast, Modern Day Shaman, Sarah Negus, talks about what energy really is and how it can be harnessed in a really powerful way to enable your success. She shares how her life as a child was so different as she could always 'see' the universe. She thought this was normal until she realised others couldn't see what she did. She then stifled this until she was older and a series of events and near death experiences helped her to re-discover and embrace her spiritual side. 

Modern day shamanism is the marrying of traditional shamanism and modern psychology.
Your beliefs, behaviour, emotions and thoughts are all power signals to the Universe. 
The life you live will be a reflection of who you are inside. You are the creator of your world.

You can try to hide behind a facade of smiles and success  but if you’re fighting what needs attention on the inside, the Universe will let you know, often in very unpleasant ways.

Been there when the Universe ‘bumps’ you, done it over and over again, so you don’t have to.

Sarah helps to shine light on the dark parts you’ve hidden, so that you can acknowledge them, heal or lighten them, and then, move beyond them. In doing so, you rewrite the unconscious story you play throughout each day.